
Hi there! We have made this website for the learning purpose for all those students out there who wanted to enhance there knowledge learning Data-Structure and Algorithms. This website contains all the data structures and algorithms in very simple way such that anyone can learn. The DS Algo will be oriented towards the language Java. Okay!


So why should you care to learn DS Algo? So the simple answer is that the skills here you will gain, will help you to enhance your problem-solving skills and in your interview for tech jobs since a lot of the questions asked by big tech companies are either directly related or derived from these classic algorithms and data structures.

Tips to Get Started

This course is hard. Like, really hard. Even if you've done all these things before, there is so much brain power to get through questions of these platform mentioned below. Don't expect to get everything on the first try. Don't get frustrated with yourself.

  • Solve Daily 5-10 Question.
  • If you are solving question on plateforms like Leetcode, CodeChef, Top-Coder etc.Keep the following points in mind:
    • Don't give more than 45 mins to a Problem.(Leetcode)
    • First Try to Solve Problem for 15 mins by Own.
    • If you get stuck, Look for hints after trying 15 min by your own.
    • If you unable to solve the problem check the solution, and then after few days try to solve again.

Where to File Issues

We have written this kind of like blog-site for Java and ds-algo and tried our best to not make mistakes. However when writing hours of material, mistakes are inevitable, both here in the grammar and in the course with the material. However We are constantly correcting the mistakes so that those of you that come later get the best material possible. If you find a mistake we'd love to fix it. The best way to do this is to open a pull request or file an issue on the GitHub repo.


This course requires some of the prerequisite knowledge of the following:

  • Basic knowledge of any programming language (Like C, C++, Java, etc.). but if you don't that's completely fine. we'll be firstly going to learn Java then we'll move to data structures and algorithms.
  • One thing I'll recommend is to follow the DSA-Bootcamp-Java course because most of the notes and the material are based on that. So definitely you should watch that course.

Special Thanks

A big shout out to Kunal for his DSA-Bootcamp-Java course. On his Youtube channel, he is teaching this quality-loaded course completely for free.

I also want to thank Brian Holt for the idea of this course-site and for allowing me to use his starter. He's a great instructor at Frontend Masters, if you want to learn some react and javascript related stuffs go checkout his courses. I'm really grateful for his support.